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50+ Fitness and Fat-Burning Foods

This time of year we are hammered extra heavily with advertisements that the claims of the best diet plan. How to choose the real sound and factual information and skip the hype? Bob and Ron offer up advice that is scientifically sound and free for the taking.

Bob experience:

I often read articles, in fact most of the ads for the new weight loss diet plan that contains the magic formula of fat burning foods. Fat Burning Foods ... There are these things? The action of these diet programs always seem to point out that certain foods actually trigger some physical response of our body, or metabolism that results in the burning of body fat. Well, I guess these claims.

One of the reasons is that I suspect, than put adult with a history of obesity in children, and a lifelong tendency on the pounds, I've tried most of these diet plans fat burning. Remember the grapefruit diet? I did it. That was in school, and BTW, I hate grapefruit! I lost a little "weight Yes, I have for a few days, but the rest of the diet plan was so restrictive that I gave up out of sheer boredom. And honestly, now that I'm 50 I've learned more to enjoy an even greater variety of food and the variety is one thing that I do not feel I should give up.

I also tried different combinations of food, all of which were as a sure way to burn off extra body fat promoted. I have not seen the results. But I have often wondered about the other side of the fat burning foods premise that there are foods that actually promote store more fat? I think that there are such foods, fatty meats come to mind. But as far as the carbohydrates and sugars, they promote the accumulation of fat? What is protein?

My feeling is that carbs get a bad reputation, and more fatty foods was given a lift by a popular diet plans such as Atkins and strongly encouraged. Personally, I've always said "the carbohydrates are your friend!" Granted I have mixed motives for this:

1) I really feel that I have more energy to workout if I eat enough carbohydrates and

2) I love pasta. But there are other good sources of carbohydrates that are rich in starch, for example, broccoli, and blueberries, both foods rich in other essential nutrients.

Likewise, there are alternative protein sources beyond fatty meats, sources of healthy fats like nuts, egg omelets, organic fat-free milk and others. And do not forget that our bodies need some fat in your diet, you simply choose the sources of healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, almonds, etc.

And what about the foods that promote fat storage (or more likely to pack on the pounds), the man our friend Ron is the trainer with experience in this area. Listen to what he has to say, and then you will find to stay slim in our list of completed jointly favorite foods (or the reduction of body fat) and building and maintaining muscle.

Ron competence:

I always hear people say that is now difficult to lose weight or body weight, as they want them to always "older" for them. Unfortunately, many people, more than 50 of her age as a reason to throw their body weight is not where it should be. But I suspect that if they all the good advice on weight control and really, really, really do not hear a hard look at their lifestyle, age factor of obesity.

But most people want, even crave a variety of good food. And for many fitness enthusiasts, the idea of ​​good food is very different from the average American who struggles with the scale. I suspect that the average American advises overeating and lack of exercise more in comparison to the fitness industry and the U.S. government.

Now, about the "fat burning" foods ... well, that are actually natural foods that have less fat and help contribute to weight control, and in some cases help to lower cholesterol. The fitness industry recommends:

Natural starchy carbs and whole grain products are:

Wheat bread
Brown Rice
All varieties of beans - except fried!
Include hot cereals such as oatmeal, cream of rice, and others, barley, rye or oats
Sweet potatoes and yams - there is a small difference
White potatoes - French fries not easy!
Wheat noodles
Top choices plants are:

Peppers - all colors
Vegetable Salad
Lean protein choice:

Protein (the yolks of the eggs are where the fat)
Whey protein (protein powder supplements)
Skinless chicken white (especially breast meat)
Lean ground turkey
Turkey breast
Top Round Steak
Flank Steak
Best fruit to choose from:

Of course all these great food choices have no value if they are ill-prepared. I wrote a few guidelines to choose "no", but making good food choices and prepare them well (fruits and vegetables in their natural state, raw is better) makes the difference between struggling with the bathroom scale and success. Meat, poultry and fish should be baked, grilled, etc. bring out more flavor and be healthy.

When choosing healthy foods, unprocessed, be sure to include those with healthy fats such as almonds, avocados, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed, flaxseed oil supplements, walnuts belong.

Some of the best advice is always with regard to the selection of foods to your spending limit to the scope of the grocery store - fresh produce, dairy, meat. The lists here may seem as if you are limited in your choices, but in reality, if you eat fresh and healthy, you will not have to eat the same things over and over again.

Thus, 50 years old or less, do not throw in the towel when it comes to weight control, but also be wary of claiming incredible fat burning foods. Nothing tastes as good as it feels in good health - so stay focused on your goals of weight, eating habits and monitor servings for 50 + / + Fit Quality of life style!

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