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5 Ideas To Lose Weight

The concept of weight loss is simple : burn more calories and consume fewer calories. The disadvantage is that the faster weight loss and plans to follow plans are complex , thus confusing the user . Here are 5 simple ways for you to lose weight.

If your goal is to lose a few kilos , do not change their eating and exercise habits completely. It is best to deal with simple things you can do every day , while at the same following the general rules of weight loss ( eat more vegetables and less fat , more training ) . If done right , it will signal the appropriate scale number .

Eat Fat Release

Fat free foods help you feel full , thus curbing the appetite . In this way , not to engage in high-calorie foods . Some release fat foods include honey, eggs , shrimp and chocolate, even black . An egg contains only 64 calories from fat release . Similarly, an ounce of black chocolate square has 167 calories . Consumption of these fatty foods release ultimately helps you lose weight.

Use high-calorie foods as ingredients

Not completely rejects calorie foods . A good idea to include the same high-calorie foods in your diet to lose weight is to add a scoop of ice cream in a bowl of fresh fruits like apples and oranges . Another example is the addition of fresh salsa chips . If you like cheese , you can add a bit of cheese in a bowl.

Take the road to weight loss

Every time you are thirsty , drink a glass of water instead of soda or soft drinks. Sugary drinks do not fill the stomach. Instead, make you want more . The water , however , is the only drink without calories. Try to drink 8-10 glasses of water . The water to flush out toxins and stay hydrated.

Keep a diary of what you eat

This may sound silly , but write every song that you eat will help you lose weight effectively . How? When managing a food diary , which eventually will eat 15 % less food.

Invest in a pedometer

A pedometer to measure the steps you take . You can attach a pedometer to your belt, and gradually add more steps every day. This is called progressive overload . This will help you break through plateaus . Never leave the pedometer in your home when you are walking , jogging or running .

These ideas will help you lose weight fast without starving . Break your long-term goals in the short term. This will give you a sense of accomplishment

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